Maps by
The Final Graveyard
I posted the day time version of this map a while ago, but i just finished the nighttime version. Normally this is reserved for a tier on my Patreon, but tis the season!
The Desert Dragon
(WIP) The basement of a bar leads to a dwarven dormitory for a mining operation (or a hidden smugglers operation)
An Orcish Wedding (40x30)
Abandoned Seaside Cottage
Chapter 5: Abbey Isle
Slowly working through Candlekeep Mysteries, featuring Chapter 4 (winterized)
When Inkarnate doesn't provide you with "metal stairs', you make your own
The Apparatus of Kwalish (21x28)
The Ghost Ship (from Ghosts of Saltmarsh)
The Abbey
Just a peaceful lake...OR IS IT?!
Part 1 of a 5-part Test of the Gods
A Mini-Battle Map (8x11; 1x1 ft. sq)
A Mini Battle (8x11)
The rate I crank out maps, ya'll should follow my Patreon: Next - Skull Dunes from GoS
[Art] Black and White - Colorable Maps
Adding movement to maps
Re-oriented the Region Map for the Town of Saltmarsh so that it faces North (TBH this orientation messes with head more than the other one did, but here it is)
Took me three days and about 20 hours of work: A Link to the Past (light world)
*Technically* this is Lon Lon Ranch from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but I expanded the house and this could be used a general farmstead (55x73)
The buried Tree of Life
Dilapidated sea-side houses (Day, Night, Rain)
A Miner’s Tavern
Spooky forest clearing map (30x40)
A map from The Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Inkarnate Call Out: There are no broken, open, or ajar tombs in battle-map mode! So I made some in the meantime along with an instructional; enjoy!
Sunrise liftoff
Candlelight Mysteries Chapter 3: Chalet Brantifax at Sunrise (30x40)
Drew the Jewish Druid’s Magic Pumpkin Patch
(WIP) Giant City [Commission]
Anyone want a Fey Village?
4K First floor and Mezzanine of a mansion (45x60)
Chapter 4: Emperor of the Waves
A group of abandoned beachside houses side-by-side with one main house interior (time-of-day)
Anyone who has played GoS might recognize this entrance to the 'Temple of Tharizdun', adding a mix of Isometric and Top-Down view. The pool at the top is triggered by chuuls collapsing the floor and making anyone in the right-hand hallway fall into a 40'x40'x20' grotto
Cross section: imagine the top layer of mounds and snow drifts was removed and you could see underneath...that is Santa's Village...an underground, lit, sprawling system which includes Stalagmite Icicles, Skating Rink, North Pole, Santa's Workshop, a small Market, lights, and a Reindeer runway
Prompt: Celebration - A Christmas Village
Re-making the Ghosts of Saltmarsh Region map with watercolor: anyone have a good method of denoting elevation (other than just making the "hill" stamps larger?)
Name! That! Courtyard! (119x38)
A Luxury Sailing Ship (that also can do cargo runs) 30x40 Night
The only battle that's gonna happen here, is a dance battle! (Original floor plan provided with permission from AlextheMapMaker on Patreon)
This is *technically* Elfsong Tavern from Dsecent into Avernus, but feel free to use this unlit base map to use in your campaign!
Started working on the Curse of Strahd
If anyone needs an isometric maze....there ya have it
A nighttime version of a map I posted earlier: The Empty Nest (for Ghosts of Saltmarsh Campaign) or a random bar on stilts in the ocean (30x40)
The Lizardfolk Lair
A nondescript tavern during the day on stilts over a bay (used as the Empty Nest for Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign). Nothing special.
Second floor of an inn at sunrise
A small farming hamlet nestled amongst giants
Finished a commission for a Green Hag BBEG boss fight in the middle of a swamp! (96x128)
The rusty, dilapidated version of the Apparstus of Kwalish (21c28)
Prompt: Celebration - Celebration of Life and a New Morning
The Sunless Citadel (76x54)
With the new HSBC tool, you can now make black and white maps, which can then be turned into a coloring book/colorable scenes
One of my more epic recreations
Dragonstown, a town/village built on the bones of a fallen dragon
Mohn Ti Monk's Meditative Monastery (where nothing ever goes wrong!...promise)
Do you dare enter the cave of the Frozen Fiend?
Starting to build Candlekeep Mysteries- Chapter 1: The Joys of Extradimensional Spaces
Brought to you by Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (96x128)
How would this winch work?
Ya'll like my train-over-a-ravine map?
Slowly building out Candlekeep Mysteries and just finished this village for Chapter 7: Book of Cylinders
Beware the Deep
Here's my empty version of the Sahuagin's Fortress from Chapter Six of Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Over all as a personal, luxury ship, how does this look?
This is an older map I made, in the early days...reposting it again in honor of Chadwick Boseman
[OC] A mountain stRange
I am one again asking, please get out of my map
Take my love, take my land; take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free; you can't take the sky from me.
I updated this scene to include a village :-)
Made a swamp for Ghosts of Saltmarsh encounter with Thousand Teeth, the crocodile (32x24)
A fortified, mining town
A different kind of map... (OC credit goes to www.seancjackson.com
The Sunless Citadel (4K) Grove and Fortress Level
Just finished my Kakariko Village map from Ocarina of Time!
Would you stop here?
How to make a Blackboard w/ Inkarnate Pro
An animated spooky Ruins of Thundertree
Saltmarsh and surrounding Regions
A Luxury Ship at Sunset
Re-upload: Someone suggested that I add the trellises on both sides of the tracks to help with the "top down" orientation
A Mini Map (8x11)
An abandoned town with pink mist
It's pronounced "Gwee Tar" (Night - 56x48)
Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Chapter 6 map
I'm slowly using Inkarante to build out Over World maps from my childhood. The past two were from A Link to the Past, and keeping with that theme, here is my Inkarnate map for Ocarina of Time 4K (free 8K in comments)
Lavender Field at Sunset/Sunrise (42x23)
A small Un-named Hamlet
A map of mars if 71% of water covered it’s surface area
108 rooms...for the cruel DM
Made this campsite. Enjoy.
A townhall and jail (40x40)
Someone commissioned strictly "Strahd's Dining Room" expecting a battle from their players. This is my rendition (10x10)
A few dilapidated coastal houses at sunset (79x20)
Morsh K'deshk's Swords and Swords
Playing with some new toys
Before and After
I was feeling stuck about how to build this abandoned beach house, do I put it down and left the computer. Came back the next day and!:
[OC] Drew the Jewish Druid's Wild-Magic Pumpkin Patch
Made a map based off of Disney's "Halloweentown"
The Sinking City of Janunary
The battle of the Apparatus of Kwalish (21x28)